No new admissions to MAECP programme, ecology theme remains integral part of teaching
The MAECP pilot programme (Master’s Degree in Ecology and Contemporary Performance) is ending. The programme, which has garnered a lot of interest also internationally, has been part of the syllabus of the Theatre Academy of Uniarts Helsinki during the period 2016-2018.

The Dean of the Theatre Academy made the decision in autumn 2017 to end the pilot MAECP programme, based on the recommendations of the Theatre Academy’s Teaching Council and the Board of Uniarts Helsinki. The recommendations and the ultimate decision were based on an interim evaluation of the programme, according to which educational contents would need to be reconsidered as part of a larger syllabus reform in the near future.
”MAECP has been a unique master’s degree programme. However, the funding of university education is in decline, which forces also the Theatre Academy to allocate its resources even more strictly and reassess teaching contents. Ecology, climate change and sustainability remain themes of utmost importance and will continue to be part of our teaching, for instance in the form of collaboration with the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR at the University of Helsinki, as well as through upcoming thematic study units”, states Dean Maarit Ruikka.