Naiara De La Puente offers new approaches to the traditional perception of the accordion in modern chamber music
De La Puente’s doctoral degree is breaking new ground in accordion studies

In her doctoral degree, Naiara De La Puente delves into the artistic research within the chamber music for accordion through her doctoral research project and explores the role of the accordion in today’s performance practices. Conducted at the Sibelius Academy, Uniarts Helsinki, her doctoral project draws upon her own experiences and performances and offers a deep exploration of the accordion’s evolving significance within chamber music.
By integrating artistic processes, outcomes, documentation, interviews, and text, De La Puente aims to contribute new insights and findings to the field of artistic research and to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of modern accordion performance, professional career, and education.
“In addition to my own experiences and observations, I have relied on the valuable work conducted by predecessors who have researched various aspects of the concert accordion”, De La Puente addresses.
A journey of performance and reflection
At the heart of this project are four doctoral concerts, where De La Puente highlights the accordion’s versatility and expressive potential within ensemble settings. Through observation, exploration, and critical reflection, both as a performer and a researcher, the study offers insights into the accordion’s role in contemporary musical landscapes.
“I wanted to challenge myself by performing compositions as a soloist, in duos, and in different chamber music ensembles,” she explains.
The research also provides an analysis of De La Puente’s artistic evolution. Key milestones such as early musical education, academic achievements, and collaborations with prestigious musical institutions have been instrumental in shaping her development as an artist.
“I have always found that my experiences as a member of various ensembles have been essential to my development as an accordionist. They sharpened my listening skills and allowed me to reflect more deeply on my role as both a musician and a researcher.”
Reframing the accordionist’s identity
In her thesis, De La Puente explores the evolving identity of the 21st-century concert accordionist, featuring conversations with leading accordion players and educators about the profession’s evolving demands. She gives an overview of the transformative changes in the musicianship of professional accordionists and the evolution of the accordionist’s artistic identity formation. She also provides a personal perspective on the evolving identity of concert accordion players and their potential needs within the field and proposes steps for their continued growth and development in the future.
More information
Naiara De La Puente
Public examination of the doctoral degree of Naiara De La Puente Vadillo will be held at the Sibelius Academy (Camerata hall, Musiikkitalo) on September 28 at 1 p.m.
The artistic entity: The Accordion in Contemporary Chamber Music Repertoire: Aspects on the Artistic Possibilities of Concert Accordion
Thesis: An overview on the artistry of the concert accordion in contemporary chamber music – A Performer’s Journey Through Shaping Artistic Identity