Call for Alumni: ap­ply for a res­i­dency in Scot­land

Ecologies in the Making: Sculpting Futures in Scotland is open for applications 1-30 September 2023.

View from studio at Cove Park. Photo: Santtu Laine.

Our alumni residency programs in partnership with Saastamoinen Foundation support post-academic visual arts studies at dynamic international residencies in periods ranging from 3 to 11 months. The program partners are:

  • SPACE in London
  • International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York
  • Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht
  • Liason of Independent Filmmakers in Toronto
  • Cove Park and Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Scotland
  •  Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam

The call for the four-month alumni residency at Cove Park and Scottish Sculpture Workshop in 2024 is open 1-30 September 2023.

The alumni residency programs are a part of the International Incubators in Fine Arts project, established by Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts and the Saastamoinen Foundation. The project aims to build a dialogue between teaching in fine arts and the international field of art.  Read more about International Incubators in Fine Arts.

Ecologies in the Making: Sculpting Futures (Scotland)

In 2021, we launched an new alumni residency program in collaboration with  Cove Park and  Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Scotland. The program named Ecologies in the Making: Sculpting Futures focuses on making practices in a time of climate breakdown. The program invites applications from those who are already exploring ecologies of making and from those who wish to (re)focus or build relationships with the more-than-human in our warming world. The aim is to support artists to research and develop ecological methods and contexts for their artistic practice.

MFA or DFA alumni of the Academy of Fine Arts who work with sculptural methods or material processes can apply for the program in Scotland. Applications are welcome from graduates at any stage in their career. The residency is divided into two separate yet interconnected periods to allow for two distinct areas of development; the first two-month residency will take place at Cove Park in Argyll and Bute, and the second two-month residency at the Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Aberdeenshire. The residency period will take place from spring to summer or during spring and autumn 2024.