Call for Alumni: ap­ply for a ISCP Res­i­dency in New York

The International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York are open for applications 1-30 September 2023.

Felipe de Avila Franco at ISCP´s Open Studios 2023. Photo: Tess Mayer.

Our alumni residency programs in partnership with Saastamoinen Foundation support post-academic visual arts studies at dynamic international residencies in periods ranging from 3 to 11 months.

The program partners are

  • SPACE in London
  • International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York
  • Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht
  • Liason of Independent Filmmakers in Toronto
  • Cove Park and Scottish Sculpture Workshop in Scotland
  • Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam

The six-month alumni residency at ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York 2025 is open for applications 1-30 September 2023.

The alumni residency programs are a part of the International Incubators in Fine Arts project, established by Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts and the Saastamoinen Foundation. The project aims to build a dialogue between teaching in fine arts and the international field of art.  Read more about International Incubators in Fine Arts.

ISCP – International Studio & Curatorial Program in New York

The International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) supports the creative development of artists and curators and promotes exchange through residencies and public programs. Housed in a former factory in Brooklyn, with 35 light-filled work studios and two galleries, ISCP is New York’s most comprehensive international visual arts residency program, founded in 1994. ISCP organizes exhibitions, events and offsite projects, which are free and open to all, sustaining a vibrant community of contemporary art practitioners and diverse audiences.

Over 1,800 artists and curators from more than 90 countries have undertaken residencies at ISCP. Residents at ISCP are encouraged to take advantage of the in-house community of artists and curators, offering invaluable international connections, professional conversations and critique. While in the program, all residents are invited to participate in a number of activities in and outside of ISCP including the four core program activities: Visiting Critics, Field Trips, Artists at Work and Open Studios.

Artists of all ages graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and having at least 5 years of professional experience can apply for the alumni residency at ISCP. The six-month residency period starts in January 2025.