A summer of artistic research in the Hietsu Pavilion in Helsinki

The exhibitions, concerts, performances, and workshops organised at Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion showcase artistic research and its various approaches.

The pavilion in Hietsu, the beach on the background.
The Venue of the Research Pavilion is the Hietsu Pavilion in Helsinki.

If the Sibelius Monument in Helsinki had a prototype, what would it be like? Anyone can answer this question next August by attending one of the workshops entitled Walking as Prototype, arranged as part of Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion. The workshops are organised by artist-researchers Tero Heikkinen, Petri Kaverma, and Denise Ziegler, and the workshop participants approach the monument by making sketches and taking notes, thus reverting it back to an imaginary prototype stage.

Workshops like these are just one example of artistic research. Hietsun Paviljonki, the communal and cultural building located near the Hietaranta public beach in Helsinki, will be a busy hub for artistic research from 5 June to 29 August 2021 as it becomes home to Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion, a project that has previously been organised in the context of the Venice Biennale.

Artistic research shines light on the fringes

“Artistic research has the potential to raise awareness about topics that tend to remain in the fringes or the margins – things that we are unable to see or cannot yet talk about,” says Jaana Erkkilä-Hill, Vice-Rector in charge of research at Uniarts Helsinki.

Uniarts Helsinki has gained international recognition as a frontrunner in artistic research. The pioneering work in artistic research was already initiated at Uniarts Helsinki’s different academies in the 1990s.

“Artist-researchers employ methods from various disciplines in their work and approach their topics from different perspectives. We wish to showcase this thematic diversity and range of possibilities in the Research Pavilion,” says Erkkilä-Hill.

Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion has become known as a platform for introducing the practices of artistic research and research-based art, and it has been organised as part of important contemporary art events since 2015.

Events with a research twist until the end of August

This year’s Research Pavilion includes nearly forty exhibitions, concerts, performances, discussions, and workshops, which the audience can enjoy. Over sixty artists and researchers take part in the activities of the Pavilion.

Artistic research is manifested in the exhibited works and events in many ways. Research may provide the starting point, background or method to the works and projects, or it may be their essence.  

Songs to End With is a concert dealing with the physicality of contemporary music, produced in collaboration by three performing artists: Malla Vivolin (flute), Pinja Nuñez (cello), and Maria Puusari (violin). The concert allows the audience to learn about the artists’ research topics and special expertise through music. The solo and chamber music works performed in the concert are introduced from a research perspective.

How do Objects Know? is a three-day installation and performance by Pilvi Porkola, Tomi Humalisto, and Markus Heino. The performance, which will take place from 4 to 6 August, examines various kinds of objects and materials, as well as the relationships between them, by organising, dismantling, combining, and reassembling them. The organising team is particularly interested in plastic as a material, objects made from synthetic materials, and preconceptions and emotions related to them. The audience may roam freely in the space, watching the installation like an exhibition while discussing the topic with the artists.

Miela sorjjasmeahttunvuohta/Mielen itsenäisyys/Mental Independence is a slow discussion event spread over five days from 23 to 27 August. The event consists of discussions pertaining to the art produced by the indigenous peoples, communal knowledge, and autonomy. The discussions take place in Sámi, Finnish, English, and possibly in other languages as well. Textile crafts are made by a fireplace as the discussions go along. The living flame will help the participants become detached from the conventional seminar schedule and encourage storytelling. The event is convened by artist-researcher Katarina Pirak-Sikku, Professor Lea Kantonen, and Senior Researcher Hanna Guttorm.

The Research Pavilion has previously been organised in the context of the Venice Biennale in 2015, 2017, and 2019. The summer of 2021 brings the Pavilion to Helsinki, where it is organised in connection with the inaugural Helsinki Biennale. The fourth edition of Uniarts Helsinki’s Research Pavilion is supported by the Louise and Göran Ehrnrooth Foundation.

More information about the Research Pavilion, including a full list of events, can be found at www.researchpavilion.fi. Please note that the information is subject to change.

All exhibitions and events in the Research Pavilion will comply to the current restrictions on assembly. We recommend that you check the current restrictions on the website prior to visiting the events.

Research Pavilion #4: Helsinki

Hietsun Paviljonki
Hiekkarannantie 9

Open 5/6–29/8/2021
Tue–Sun at 12 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Free admission