What kind of a vi­sion of Finnish mu­sic ed­u­ca­tion in­spires you?

What is the desirable direction for Finnish music education? What kind of a vision is born when you can choose the most influential vision statements on hand or create your own version? You can now have a say in the future of Finnish music education by taking part in the vision survey 2030. Join in by 11 May 2020.

A collaborative effort to build a joint national vision for Finnish music education for 2030 embarked a year ago. All levels of music education and a wide range of actors in the field are engaged in the mission.  

Three national seminars in Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu have examined various future scenarios and taken the first steps to outline a common direction. During the pandemic, the work moves forward with an online vision survey.  

The survey contains 29 vision statements of the future of Finnish music education from ten different angles. It is aimed at anyone who is working or interested in national music education or the field of Finnish music in general.  

Take a stand by 11 May 

In the music education vision survey, you can comment on what should be emphasized and what needs to be at the heart of the final vision for 2030. It takes just five minutes to do the survey one time around. 

You are also encouraged to complete the survey several times, submit your own suggestions or leave a comment on anything you feel should be taken into account!  

Participation is completely anonymous – no personal information or IP addresses is stored. The survey will be open until 11 May 2020.