Uniarts Helsinki introduces a reporting channel to expose misconduct

The channel will be introduced starting from 1 February 2023.

The decision to set up the channel was made based on the so-called EU Whistleblower Directive, which aims at protecting reporters of serious breaches against potential retaliation.

By providing a channel for reporting misconduct, the university makes sure that anyone who detects or suspects activities that conflict with the general interest can safely report the matter. Whistleblower protection is not applied to labour disciplinary matters.

How to report

If you detect or suspect violations, shortcomings or misconduct at Uniarts Helsinki, you can report them by using the internal reporting channel. Misconduct refers to an act or omission that leads to criminal sanctions based on law or that violates the general interest and conflicts with the protection of public procurement, privacy, personal data or the safety of network and information systems, for example.

Reports can be emailed to vaarinkaytosilmoitus@uniarts.fi. It is not possible to make anonymous reports, but the identity of the whistleblower is only revealed to the persons who process the report.

Processing reports and further measures