Students and alumni of Uniarts Helsinki are satisfied with the quality of their education – wellbeing should be promoted also in the future

The feedback questionnaires conducted in 2023 provided information on how satisfied current students as well as alumni were with their studies at Uniarts Helsinki.

In 2023, information on students’ and alumni’s satisfaction with their degrees and studies at Uniarts Helsinki was collected through four different questionnaires: course feedback forms, the rector’s feedback questionnaires, bachelor’s graduate surveys and career monitoring surveys for masters and doctors.

According to the questionnaires, Uniarts Helsinki’s strengths are collegiality, support, versatility, international aspects, good atmosphere, growth mindset and high-quality teaching, among other aspects. Based on the results, Uniarts Helsinki students are generally satisfied with their studies and the degree they have completed.

Student questionnaires are a part of Uniarts Helsinki’s quality assurance system. The survey results are utilised in the development of studies, services and other operations as well as in yearly operational planning and in curriculum reforms.

Feedback shows that Uniarts Helsinki students are satisfied with their courses

Overall, the course feedback collected in 2023 shows that Uniarts Helsinki’s students are usually satisfied with the courses that they have completed. The highest grades in the questionnaire were given in the section “General assessment of the course as a whole”. Students gave the lowest grade to their own level of participation and work.

Uniarts Helsinki should make more efforts to promote wellbeing and equality based on the rector’s feedback questionnaire

The rector’s feedback questionnaire showed that students are mostly satisfied with the contents of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral education and with how useful these studies are for their professional lives. Students were fairly satisfied with the strain from study loads, workload-credit ratio and scheduling related to courses. The highest grades were given to statements concerning the university’s atmosphere, especially concerning support from fellow students (average: 4.92/6) and the general atmosphere (average: 4.49/6).

Some of the students find it challenging finding study-related information and support as well as suitable peaceful facilities for independent work. Discussions concerning wellbeing themes as part of studies and supervision received lower grades. In light of the rector’s feedback questionnaire, Uniarts Helsinki should pay more attention to experiences of discrimination and inappropriate treatment in the future. The most obstacles were observed concerning languages (42%).

Respondents to the bachelor’s graduate survey are satisfied with their studies but hope that digital learning environments are improved

Based on the bachelor’s graduate survey, the average Uniarts Helsinki student is satisfied with their university studies. Based on the bachelor’s graduate survey, digital learning environments and wellbeing themes emerge as the preferred development targets.

86% of the respondents to the career monitoring surveys are satisfied with their degree from Uniarts Helsinki

Of all Uniarts Helsinki alumni, 73 per cent agree or completely agree with the statement that they would recommend their Uniarts Helsinki degree also to others. Of the respondents, 86 per cent are either fairly satisfied, satisfied or very satisfied with the degree they completed in terms of their careers. On average, Uniarts Helsinki alumni are also satisfied with their overall careers (average score 4.7/6).

Master’s alumni feel that there are skills that are professionally important but not improved so much at the university, including organisation and coordination skills, negotiation skills, problem-solving skills and stress tolerance. According to doctoral alumni, skills that are important but not improved at the university to the same extent include negotiation skills, language skills, skills for working in a multicultural environment, organisation and coordination skills and stress tolerance.

The response rate for the career monitoring survey for doctors was as high as 90%. Of the respondents to the doctors’ survey, 88 per cent were either fairly satisfied, satisfied or very satisfied with their completed degree from a career point of view.